Serial de-berming north of Junction 19

Putting in a nick above a problem section, just below “the shrine.”










Four volunteers met with the Trail Volunteer Coordinator to visit Dale Ball Trails, Central section, off of Cerros Colorados Rd., one last time before we switch the focus to La Tierra Trails for a while.  As planned, we made it up to the “shrine” between junctions 19 and 11.  We found plenty to work on, both on the way up to and beyond the shrine.  We stuck with purely “subtractive” techniques – deberming and nicks, no “speed bumps.”  A small crew got some significant work done in just a few hours of time on the trails.

The shrine, at last. Thanks Steve, Russell, Mike, and Anna!

Thanks to the work of our dedicated and experienced volunteers from the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe, this area is under control, for a while.  We’ll be keeping an eye on it just in case, and maybe we’ll be back next year for some touch-ups.