Capital High School’s “Outdoors Club” ready to start their first trail work session

Ten students and two teachers from Capital High School’s “Outdoors Club” met with the Trail Volunteer Coordinator on Tierra Contenta’s “Arroyo de las Chamisas Urban Trail” to talk about trails and tools and to do some basic trail maintenance work on an adjoining soft-surface trail connecting to Sereno Loop.

Clearing loose rocks off of the trail tread



Clearing out a pathway for water to exit a culvert under the trail








It was a great first day of working with the new Outdoors Club.  We replaced some tattered “City of Santa Fe” hiking trail signs, removed loose rocks from the trail tread, cleared a few blocked up culverts, and built a few check dams to slow down storm drainage.  Then we took a look at the City’s new SWAN Park, which none of the students had had a chance to visit before, before the group hiked back up the paved trail to Capital High School.  We’re looking forward to our next outing together!

Replacing worn or missing signage

We’ll come back after the next storm and see how it worked

Sereno Loop Trail, open for business!