Getting a leg-up with a coveted morning parking space at Wilderness Gate Trailhead

A group of thirteen city summer campers, two counselors, one parent, and the SFCT Trails Program Manager scaled Atalaya Mountain on July 11, the first elementary-school age field trip to “bag” the peak.  There were few complaints as we made our way up, enjoyed the view (and lunch) on top, and headed back down to Wilderness Gate Trailhead.

A break in the shade on the way up, Picacho Peak in background

Not so lonely at the top!

How do you celebrate reaching the peak? Bubbles, of course!


“New” kids received hiking kits, including a pack, a hat, a compass, sunscreen, and a “Passport to Santa Fe’s Trails.”   Repeat participants got new stickers for their Passport, on the way to earning a Camelbak prize.  These filed trips to promote our foothill trails among local school kids are possible thanks to past support from the S.L. Gimbel Foundation and current support from the Lineberry Foundation and the City of Santa Fe.