In May 2017, the Trails Program Manager led 14 field trips to Dale Ball Trails, Central Section, and the Nature Conservancy’s Santa Fe Canyon Preserve.  Over 300 4th and 5th Graders from Camino Real Academy and Nina Otero Community School came out on the trips, along with nearly 50 teachers, parents, and volunteers.  …All figures represent new records for the Passport to Trails program!

Fifth Graders who completed all four trail sections in their “Passport to Trails” were awarded with hydration packs thanks to past support from the S.L. Gimbel Foundation and ongoing support from the Lineberry Foundation.

Support for school buses was provided this year by Partners in Education.

El Camino Real Academy – Fourth Graders, May 17-18, 2017

El Camino Real Academy – Fifth Graders – May 3-4,  2017

Flowering Yucca (#1) – May 3

Nina Otero Community School – Fourth Graders – May 9-10, 2017

Nina Otero Community School – Fifth Graders, May 10-11, 2017

Flowering yucca (#2) – May 9

Flowering yucca (#3) – May 10






Flowering yucca (#4) – May 11



Flowering yucca (#5) – May 17

Flowering yucca (#6) – May 18