One of the first kids to take a whack at the goathead piñata, creation of Charlie Lehman, pulling the rope at upper right.

A little rain was not going to stop THIS parade!


The pieces start to fall!


Thanks for piñata stuffings and prizes (patch kits, bottles, socks, energy snacks, sunglasses and stickers) go to Rob and Charlie’s, NM Bike N Sport, Mellow Velo, City of Santa Fe Recreation Division, REI, the Bicycle Coalition of New Mexico, and BIKE-FRIENDLY BUSINESS OF THE YEAR: The Broken Spoke

See for information on all recipients of BTI’s Santa Fe Bicycle Community Awards

Congrats to “Bicycle Advocate of the Year,” Brent Bonwell of the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society, and “Top Government Leader,” Councilor Patti Bushee

Margaret Alexander of the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe and SFFTS holds up the award for the Core Crew, organizers of La Tierra Torture and other trails events.