Journey Montessori students gather rock alongside the “Wide Trail,” Oct. 2

Redeploying the rock to bolster check dams along the Dog Park Connector Trail

Class photo with Dog Park Connector and Journey Montessori School in the background

The Journey team convenes at La Cuchara Trailhead, Oct. 30

Grade reversal under way above Junction 25

Finished product, Oct. 30

Arbolitos Trail, Reconfiguring a trail-side check dam, Nov. 6

Arbolitos Trail, Redefining the tread on the Big Dip after some damage by storm drainage and an ATV incursion

A grade reversal to route storm drainage off of the trail between Junctions 11 and 12, Nov. 13

Finished product, Nov. 13

Trail Volunteers meet Mr. Gorman’s Fifth-Graders from El Camino Real Academy, at Frijoles Trailhead, Nov. 13

Journey Montessori students work to keep a grade reversal high enough to divert water but low enough to smoothly join the high side of the tread, Nov. 15

Dirt mine for grade reversals west of Junction 25, Nov. 15

Calling it a grade reversal, and a day, Nov. 15

Even cancelling the work day due to rain could not keep the volunteers away! New grade reversal between Junctions 12 and 13, Nov. 20

Henry Lanman looks on as staff from New Mexico Stone put the final touch on the Margaret Alexander Recovery Bench, Dec. 11

De-berming south of Junction 31, Dec. 11

Team Lanman/Johnson reverse a grade, Dec. 11

Finishing touches on the grade reversal, Dec. 11

End of a great year of work on city trails – thank you, volunteers!