Mr. Tison’s Class – May 17, 2017

Mir Tison’s Class along with Mr. Bass and Three Dads

Deer tracks along the new connector trail

Cool fossil

Cooling off in the shade

Taking in the sights on the way back down

Flowering yucca (#5)
Ms. Gersh’s Class – May 17, 2017

Ms. Gersh’s class at Gerro Gordo Trailhead

Nice hat!

Santa Fe Canyon Preserve

One small river to cross

A lesson in fractions at the junction for the Audubon Center
Miss Pierce’s Class, May 18, 2017

Santa Fe Canyon Preserve: Enjoying a pause at the river crossing

Nice to get out in the great outdoors!

Flowering yucca (#6)

Consensus: Fossils are cool!

Dale Ball Trails: Where are we?

Miss Winky helps the kids complete their “Passport to Trails”

Deer tracks!
Miss Headley’s Class – May 18, 2017

Final field trip of the season, and off to a great start!

Checking out the Santa Fe River diversion from above

Miss Headley’s class – goofy version!