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Starting off “Santa Fe Bike Month,” please consider hopping on a “Bike Train” on National Bike to School Day, Wed., May 4. Join one of several routes serving El Camino Real Academy, including one leaving Cottonwood Village Mobile Home Park (meet at office) and one leaving from Ramirez-Thomas Elementary School at about 7:15 am. Or make your way by bike to Carlos Gilbert Elementary School, Amy Biehl School, The Masters Program, San Ildefonso Day School, and others on May 4 – see listings for Santa Fe in the national Walk-Bike-and-Roll-to-School web site.
Also see our own calendar listings for multi-school Bike Trains along the Tierra Contenta Trail on May 3 and the River Trail on May 5.
What? Your school is not participating? Please coordinate with others at the school to sign up at https://www.walkbiketoschool.org/registration, let us know your plans, and find out how the Santa Fe Safe Routes to School initiative might help. For more information on SFSRTS, see Safe Routes to School or contact Tim Rogers, Santa Fe Safe Routes to School Coordinator, at