July 8, 2023 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Pueblo San Marcos Archaeology Tour

Saturday, July 8, 2023 • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Half-day tour in the Galisteo Basin
$150 per person, includes lunch
Registration opens June 9, 2023

Join us on this tour of Pueblo San Marcos with Archaeologist Tamara Stewart, Southwest Projects Director from The Archaeological Conservancy and Assistant Editor of American Archaeology. One of the largest pre-Columbian settlements in North America, Pueblo San Marcos was occupied between A.D. 1250 and the 1680 Pueblo Revolt, during which time it grew to an estimated 2,000 adobe rooms in 22 room blocks enclosing ten to twelve plazas and including the remains of an early 17th century Spanish Colonial mission and metallurgical smelting features. The site remains highly significant to Pueblo people today, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and has been established as a permanent archaeological preserve in southern Santa Fe County. Join this fascinating tour and hear about some of the exciting recent research conducted here and the important role the site played in the Galisteo Basin and beyond. A short, easy hike will take participants around the site’s highlights and includes walking on uneven terrain. We will meet at the Lone Butte General Store parking lot nearby on south NM 14 and carpool to the site, bringing appropriate hiking gear and water, including trekking poles as needed. Visitors are asked to be respectful of this ancestral site and, while encouraged to pick up and examine artifacts, to leave all cultural remains where they were found.

More information about this site can be found at:




Tamara Stewart

B.S., M.A., Archaeology
Assistant Editor, American Archaeology
Southwest Projects Director, The Archaeological Conservancy

Tamara holds a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Archaeology and has more than 25 years of professional experience in the Southwest, with particular emphasis on the Galisteo Basin of southern Santa Fe County and northern and central New Mexico. She has authored and co-authored hundreds of cultural resource management reports and management plans, State and National Register nominations, and National Historic Landmark nominations. Tamara recently completed the National Register Multiple Property documentation form (MPDF) Cultural Landscape of the Greater Galisteo Basin, North-Central NM. Tamara additionally works as Southwest Projects Director and Assistant Editor for the non-profit preservation organization The Archaeological Conservancy and their nationally-distributed quarterly publication American Archaeology magazine.