November 13, 2018 @ 10:45 am – 12:30 pm
Santa Fe Conservation Trust
400 Kiva Ct Suite B
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Tim Rogers

“Safe Routes to School” programs strive to increase the number of children who walk or ride a bike to school.  Please join us at SFCT to view and discuss this webinar from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership . . .  Come early for coffee, stay late for a sandwich!  Please RSVP to Tim if you plan to join us.

Learn the Ropes: How to Start Your Safe Routes to School Program

Walk and Roll to School Day at Chaparral Elementary School, Oct. 10, 2018

New to Safe Routes to School?

Look no further. Safe Routes to School programs can take many forms, developing organically or through a structured process. This webinar will highlight different types of programs and how each was started. Hear from city and school staff on best practices and ideas for how to start a program in your community. Join us on November 13 at 10am PT/1pm ET.


  • Greg Couch, SRTS Programs Coordinator, Northwoods Elementary PTA
  • Ashleigh Curry, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Las Cruces, New Mexico
  • Hannah Williams, Program Services Manager, Safe Routes to School National Partnership

For more information, including how to sign up on your own,  see https://www.saferoutespartnership.org/resources/webinar/how-start-your-safe-routes-school-program