400 Kiva Ct Suite B
Santa Fe, NM 87505
“Safe Routes to School” programs strive to increase the number of children who walk or ride a bike to school. Please join us at SFCT to view and discuss this webinar from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership . . . Come early for coffee, stay late for a sandwich! Please RSVP to Tim if you plan to join us.
Learn the Ropes: How to Start Your Safe Routes to School Program
Look no further. Safe Routes to School programs can take many forms, developing organically or through a structured process. This webinar will highlight different types of programs and how each was started. Hear from city and school staff on best practices and ideas for how to start a program in your community. Join us on November 13 at 10am PT/1pm ET.
- Greg Couch, SRTS Programs Coordinator, Northwoods Elementary PTA
- Ashleigh Curry, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Las Cruces, New Mexico
- Hannah Williams, Program Services Manager, Safe Routes to School National Partnership
For more information, including how to sign up on your own, see https://www.saferoutespartnership.org/resources/webinar/how-start-your-safe-routes-school-program