Take part online in the comfort of your home.
August 26th
7:00PM Pre-event Entertainment hosted by Jono Manson
- Native American Hoop Dance presented by Lightning Boy Foundation
- Performances by Lara Manzanares, Jaime Michaels, Indigie Femme, & Jono Manson
7:30PM Event begins
A $5 Access Pass donation allows you to take part on your home screen. Dinner and Wine Access Pass Packages, including the Cowgirl, 315 Restaurant & Wine Bar, and Gruet enable you to deepen your support for our local community and watch from home in the spirit of celebration.
Note: the surging delta variant means we will NOT offer the option of gathering at the Violet Crown.
Why We Are Celebrating
- More now than ever, nature must be conserved, restored, used sustainably, and celebrated. Resilience to climate change, human activity, and loss of biodiversity will help prevent an unprecedented loss of wild places, and we will showcase a new project that contributes to this resilience locally.
- Feeling nurtured by our local outdoor environment is essential for our overall wellbeing.
- Our protected views, open spaces, landscape corridors, abundant wildlife, and a vast trails network contributes to our local economy, our health, livelihoods, food security, and exceptional quality of life here.
- Our annual CCC event traditionally provides 20% of our operating budget and supports enhanced protection of local natural habitat, development and maintenance of trails, and community programs for youth, elders, and all ages in between with a focus on enhancing outdoor equity.
The Show Goes On
Trail Happenings ∙ Kids & Conservation ∙ New Galisteo Basin Project ∙ People, Plans & Impact for the Future ∙ Exclusive Conversation with Debbie Cress, new SF National Forest Supervisor & Bill deBuys, author and conservationist ∙ Familiar Faces from Our Community
After getting your Passes, be sure to register for our LIVE Text-to-Give segment of the show.
Thank you to our 2021 Sponsors!
Lee Caldwell & Marcus Randolph
The Esther Carp School of Living
Leslie & Rutgers Barclay
David & Pam Fleischaker
Linda Saurage
Elizabeth Hansen
Dan Merians, UBS Financial Services
Janie & George Bingham
Connie & Bob Bright
Robin Laughlin
Gruet Winery
Melanie Maxon & Ryan Bailey
Santa Fe Reporter
Lee & Jana Reynolds