Santa Fe Canyon Preserve, above Two-Mile Pond

SFCT’s Trails Program Manager met with twelve city summer campers, two counselors, and three guests to hike in Santa Fe Canyon Preserve and Dale Ball Trails Central on July 7.  New participants received packs with hats, compasses, sunscreen, and water bottles as well as a copy of the Passport to Santa Fe’s Foothill Trails.

An overcast day and a far more lush environment along the Santa Fe River compared to the nearby Dale Ball Trails.

The whole crew takes a break along the “silt skirt” above Two-Mile Pond.










Back in Dale Ball Trails, Central Section


Three children who had already participated in a past hike got their second stickers, meaning they are halfway to the prize of a new “Camelbak” hydration pack.  Thanks to the S.L. Gimbel Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, and to the City of Santa Fe’s recreation staff based at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center for making this wonderful day, and the Passport to Trails, possible!

Cool rock! (with a streak of obsidian)

The appropriate page of the Passport is filled out.  With our hiking route traced out and a new Dale Ball sticker in place, this summer camper is well on the way to a prize!