Miss Castillo’s class heads up toward the ridge in La Tierra Trails (photo by Sara Castillo)

Checking the map at Junction 9 (photo by Sara Castillo)

“Passports to Santa Fe’s Foothill Trails” in hand! (photo by Sara Castillo)










Field Trips to La Tierra Trails continued in October and November with Fifth-Graders from El Camino Real Academy. On Oct. 27 we hosted Miss Young’s class, on Nov. 10, Miss Castillo’s class, and on Nov. 24, Miss Rodriguez’s class.  Unfortunately we had to cancel the outing for Miss Pacheco’s class on Nov. 17, which was a snow day.

These trips were made possible thanks to past support from the S.L. Gimbel Foundation, new support from the Line-Berry Foundation, and our ongoing Professional Services Agreement with the City of Santa Fe.

Please don’t touch the cholla! (photo by Sara Castillo)

Many of these fifth-graders had already visited Dale Ball Trails twice last year, so when it was time to issue them their “Passport to Santa Fe Trails” they were already three-quarters of the way to the prize!  It is fun to re-connect with these “seasoned” hikers and to show them a very different set of city trails for hiking and other fun and healthy outdoor recreation.  A few of them even sported the packs and other swag that they got at Dale Ball Trails last Spring!

Miss Castillo’s class got back to the trailhead before the bus

Just enough time for a quick “dip” at the beach

Miss Rodriguez’s class enjoys a beautiful day in La Tierra Trails in late November

Race to the junction!

Miss Rodriguez’s Class Portrait, near Junction 8

Miss Rodriguez’s students get their “ya-ya’s” out before heading back to the bus