Trailhead orientation with Miss Bass’s class (photo by Jill Bass)

Thanks to new grant support from the Line-Berry Foundation, SFCT was able to offer field trips to a second south-side school, Nina Otero Community School.  Fourth-graders received backpacks, hiking accessories, and “Passports to Santa Fe’s Foothill Trails” provided through the S.L. Gimbel Foundation while the new support from the Line-Berry Foundation went toward the costs of transportation.


Miss Bass’s class takes a water break in the shade (photo by Jill Bass)

Mr. Beebe’s class ready to hit the trails

Miss Bass’s students gather for a class picture on the Pipeline Rd. (photo by Javier)



Field trips to La Tierra Trails with Nina Otero 4th Graders started with Miss Bass’s class on Oct. 27, 2015, followed by Mr. Beebe’s class on Nov. 3, and Miss Searcy’s class on Nov. 10.  Mr. Benton’s class was going to be last but had to cancel due to anticipated cold weather, which was a good call!   We will try to get them out there in the Spring of 2016.

Mr. Beebe’s class comes up through the meadow

Mr. Beebe’s class tries out a recently worked-on trail re-route near Junction 10.

Back in the classroom, Mr. Beebe reviews the route we took

Heading back south toward the trailhead

Selfy with Miss Searcy’s class (#1)

Selfy with Miss Searcy’s class (#2)

These kids prefer roller-coaster-y trails

Miss Searcy’s class at Junction 29 on the Pipeline Road

Mind the gap!