Bob Findling of The Nature Conservancy provides an orientation at Cerro Gordo trailhead

City Summer Camp hikes started on the afternoon of June 9 with a group of nine campers and two counselors from the Genoveva Chavez Community Center.  We were joined at Cerro Gordo Trailhead by Bob Findling of The Nature Conservancy, who provided an orientation to the area around the old Two-Mile Dam before we all took a sneak preview hike on the new stretch of trail north across the Santa Fe River and up toward the north side of the TNC trail.


Sneak preview – crossing the Santa Fe River

After returning to the trailhead, we thanked Bob and then hiked north toward Picacho Peak.

Heading north across the more formidable river diversion near Upper Canyon Rd.

Leaning in to “capture” a well-camouflaged horny toad

Due to threat of rain and lightning, we ended up forgoing the climb up from the saddle below Picacho Peak and instead headed down to check out the spring at “hippy hollow,” and then to Upper Canyon Rd. via the Arroyo Polai – the first field trip to visit these locations!

Sampling the mint growing by the well near “hippy hollow”