Peter Prince removes fallen trees along the trail just north of the Santa Fe River diversion, near Upper Canyon Rd.
The morning of Jan. 25, super-volunteer Alan Karp came by to let us know that three sizable trees had been blown over and were threatening to fall onto the trail connecting Cerro Gordo trailhead with Upper Canyon Rd. One e-mail to a handful of certified sawyer volunteers produced immediate results: By the end of the day, thanks to Peter Prince and his handy chainsaw, the fallen trees were taken down and removed!

The best venue for recruiting trail volunteers has always been the trails themselves! Lee Levin and John Vavruska, having just hiked to Picacho Peak (in the background), came along at just the right time to help remove freshly-cut logs from the trail.
This trail, on land belonging to The Nature Conservancy near the entrance to the Santa Fe Canyon Preserve, will be more fully integrated into Dale Ball Trails once we complete the connector north from Cerro Gordo Trailhead across the Santa Fe River.