Safe Routes to School – Equity

The Santa Fe SRTS Program addresses equity concerns by focusing on under-served schools in the southwestern part of the City, including El Camino Real Academy, Sweeney Elementary School, Cesar Chavez Elementary School, and Nina Otero Community School in 2021 and new activities with Ortiz Middle School and Ramirez-Thomas Elementary in 2022-23. The program has two staff members who speak Spanish and has included Spanish language on promotional materials prepared for Walk-to-School events.

All five of our initial focus schools in 2021 (Aspen, ECRA, Cesar Chavez, Nina Otero, and Sweeney) were among the 14 SFPS schools that meet criteria for students to automatically qualify for free lunch based on income levels (per list on SFPS website).  With expansion of program activities to Ramirez-Thomas, Ortiz Middle School, Milagro Middle School, and Piñon Elementary School in 2022, eight of nine focus schools meet these criteria.

The Santa Fe SRTS Program strives to choose walking routes that are ADA-accessible, and to identify and provide information on accessible alternative routes where needed, in order to maximize potential participation.  The program seeks to address inequities relating to residence too-far-away-to-walk or bike by encouraging families that are affected to use other means – typically driving – to arrive at the location of an organized walk or bike ride to school.  Where hazardous walking conditions prevent large numbers of children from participating, the program will seek to work with affected schools to arrange alternative bus transportation to organized walking events on certain dates.