Manny Maes observes how the first users fare on a newly-debermed section of Dale Ball Trails, Central, September 2015
In 2015, the Santa Fe Conservation Trust organized and supervised eleven trail maintenance work days in Dale Ball Trails, nine in La Tierra Trails, three on other City of Santa Fe trails, and three on Santa Fe National Forest’s Atalaya Trail. SFCT also worked with members of the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society (SFFTS) to co-coordinate several dozen more work days for the Flow Trail in La Tierra Trails in April and May of 2015.
The SFCT Trails Program Manager also worked on behalf of Tourism Santa Fe to schedule volunteers to carry the “Google Trekker” camera on city, county, and national forest trails on eleven more occasions. Add volunteer hours at various promotional events, including three “community cruises” and two National Trails Day events, and the SFCT Trails Program can take credit for organizing 562 volunteer work hours on city trails and the Atalaya Trail, in addition to 1,076 work hours on the Flow Trail in conjunction with SFFTS.

4th-Graders from Nina Otero Community School hike on a newly-rerouted trail in La Tierra Trails, November 2015.
With support of the S.L. Gimbel Foundation and the Lineberry Foundation, SFCT fully launched its “Passport to Santa Fe’s Foothill Trails” program in Spring of 2015 (see Field-trips-to-city-trails). By the end of the year we had taken out 361 kids, teachers, or parents on city trails on eighteen outings for El Camino Real Academy, Nina Otero Community School, Capital High School, and City Summer Camps. Add community cruise bicycle rides, national trails day hikes, and other promotional events and the number of participants in these outings rises to 550.
For summaries of this data, see Trail Volunteer Work Days and Hours 2015 and Summary of City Trail Field Trips and Promotional Events in 2015.
The links below describe how each event in 2015 went. For information on upcoming trail events, see SFCT’s Events page or take a look at the TAOSF calendar.
NMASLA Bike Tour and Presentation, Feb. 11, 2015
Calle Lorca Park Bridge Re-Build, Feb. 16, 2015
Upper “Vista del Freeway” Trail Maintenance, Feb. 18, 2015
League of American Bicyclists “Bicycle-Friendly Community” Tour, April 8, 2015
Flow Trail Construction, La Tierra Trails, Apr. 9 – May 3, 2015
Guided Hike with Land Trust Alliance, May 2, 2015
South Side Community Cruise, May 9, 2015
Flow Trail Celebration and Volunteer Recognition, May 13, 2015
Bike-to-Work Day, May 15, 2015
Field Trips to Dale Ball Trails with El Camino Real Academy 4th Graders, May 19-20, 2015
La Piedra Trail Interpretive Sign, May 21 & June 5, 2015
Railyard Community Cruise, June 6, 2015
Field Trip to Dale Bale Trails South with City Summer Campers, June 9, 2015
Dale Ball North Work Days, June 17 & 25, 2015
Field Trip to Dale Bale Trails North with City Summer Campers, June 23, 2015
Dale Ball Central Work Days, July 2 & 8, 2015
Field Trip to Dale Ball Trails Central with City Summer Campers, July 7, 2015
Field Trip to La Tierra Trails with City Summer Campers, July 21, 2015
Flow Trail Work Day / Clean Up, July 25, 2015
Dale Ball Central Work Days, Aug. 5 & 25, 2015
Google Trekking City Trails, July & August, 2015
Dale Ball South Work Day, Aug. 13, 2015
La Tierra Trails Work Day, Aug. 18, 2015
Dale Ball Central Work Days, Sept. 3 & 15, 2015
Cross Town Community Cruise (SWAN Park Opening), Sept. 19, 2015
Atalaya Work Day and GUTS Celebration, Sept. 26, 2015
Field Trips to La Tierra Trails with Camino Real Academy 4th Graders, Sept.- Oct., 2015
Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, Oct. 3, 2015
Dale Ball Central Work Day, Oct. 8, 2015
La Tierra Trails Work Days, Oct. 14, 21, and 28, 2015
Tierra Contenta Trails Work Day with Capital High School’s Outdoors Club, Oct. 16, 2015
Field Trips to La Tierra Trails with Camino Real Academy 5th Graders, Oct.-Nov., 2015
Field Trips to La Tierra Trails with Nina Otero Community School 4th Graders, Oct.-Nov., 2015
Atalaya Work Days, Oct. 23 and Nov. 14, 2015