All Trails Posts

Dale Ball Day: Fri., March 6, 2015
A few dozen trail enthusiasts met at the Sierra del Norte trailhead to honor the man who inspired and implemented the wonderful Dale Ball Trails. Mr. Ball was unable to attend but was represented by his daughter and son-in-law, Portia and David Blackman. He sent the...

Upper Vista del Freeway Trail Maintenance, Feb. 18, 2015
Four volunteers joined the Trails Volunteer Coordinator at the "Upper Vista del Freeway Trail," a single-track trail that connects Via Arista to Avenida Rincón northwest of the interchange between US84-285 and the Santa Fe Relief Route. This location was chosen...

Calle Lorca Park Bridge Build: Feb. 16, 2015
Brent Bonwell and Henry Lanman, Santa Fe Fat Tire Society's master bridge builders, led a crew of six volunteers and the City Trails Volunteer Coordinator in replacing a four-foot wide bridge in Calle Lorca / Southridge Park. Materials for the bridge were supplied by...

NMASLA Complete Streets Bike Tour
Tim Rogers led a bicycle tour of some of Santa Fe's roads and trails for participants in a "Complete Streets" event organized by the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects on Feb. 11, 2015. The ride started at the Roundhouse, proceeded to...

Trail Volunteer Recognition, 2014
A total of 75 individuals volunteered on at least one of over 30 city trail work events arranged by SFCT in 2014, including members of the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe and the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society as well as 26 students from the Masters Program (arranged via Santa...

Dale Ball Trails Re-Route, Day #4, and Volunteer Celebration, Oct. 28, 2014
We returned to the meadow off of Upper Canyon Rd. one more time to finish the re-route above the "green gate" and to celebrate a wonderful project and a wonderful year of volunteer work. Fourteen volunteers made it to the event, we were able to shore up a few turns...

La Tierra Trails Re-Route and Maintenance, Nov. 4, 2014
The re-route involved building new trail along a traverse and grade reversal in order to shed water off of the trail.Six volunteers joined the Trail Volunteer Coordinator on the morning of Nov. 4 to conduct some erosion-prevention maintenance on La Tierra Trails...

Protecting Archaeological Sites for the “Flow Trail,” La Tierra Trails, Nov. 5 and 20, 2014
The City Trail Volunteer Coordinator met with two volunteers from the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society (SFFTS) and archaeologist Stephen Post, also acting as a volunteer, at La Tierra Trails the morning of Nov. 5. The task at hand was to set up T-posts provided by the City...

Camino de Cruz Blanca Trail, November 2014
The Camino de Cruz Blanca Trail is a four-foot-wide soft-surface trail along Camino de Cruz Blanca that connects the St. John's Trailhead to the Dorothy Stewart Trail, Dale Ball Trails, and the Atalaya Trail. This project responds to a request from the City of Santa...

Dale Ball Trails Re-Route, Day # 3: Oct. 21, 2014
Eight volunteers joined the Trail Volunteer Coordinator to continue work on the re-route on Dale Ball Trails above Junction 29. We bolstered up some of the remaining loose areas along the acequia bank with rock...