We are about halfway through the Vámonos Program for 2019 so we wanted to share some pictures of what success we’ve had so far. Vámonos is an exploration of our local trails, both in town, on ADA accessible trails around our parks, and on our 55 miles of dirt trails. Twenty- four walks and six hikes are offered from May through October annually. They last about an hour and are free! We are looking forward to more walks and hikes with all of you! We’ve also added a walk on Saturday, August 31st at 10 am as we Walk and Explore Santa Fe’s Rail History as part of the NM Railroad History Celebration. Meet at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, 555 Camino de la Familia.
A full listing of our schedule is available here,
Enjoy and we’ll see you on the trail!!
We found a great view on the inaugural Vámonos hike!
Don R! One of many volunteers that make these walks so wonderful!
Off-roading! But always staying ON the trail!
Seeking water! We found plenty on this hike!
We’re proud to have Big Brothers, Big Sisters as partners!
It always a beautiful day for a Vámonos hike!
Take a Kid Hiking Day was a blast with over 40 people joining us!
Walking through the streets of downtown on our Notable Local walk with Mayor Webber
Mayor Webber on a walk with us!
City Councilor, Renee Villarreal as our Notable Local in June!
These are the faces of Vámonos!
A group of elders from Brookdale, one of our partners in Vámonos!
Our “Walk with Our Elders” walks are always a great chance to slow down and connect with some great seniors.
Walks on the Southside with our partners La Familia Medical Center are a great way to get outside. These bilingual walks offer great views and a fantastic trail!
Wellness Walks provide a leisurely walk along the Acequia Trail with wellness professionals, a great way to meet your summer fitness goals and meet the best of the best!!