“You can’t just think, ‘Oh, it’s happening to some isolated group of people.’ No, we all breathe the same air, and we all need to stand up and protect our environment. There are better ways of doing this.”
– excerpt from AT THE PRECIPICE

a no-cost event
We hope you marked your calendar TOMORROW for this unique and very special opportunity with two notable environmental authors, including one of the founders of SFCT, Bill deBuys. We’ll be talking about NM’s resilience to climate change. Live Q & A after.
Bill & Laura have been published & reviewed, collectively, in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Orion, The Washington Post, Audubon, High Country News, National Geographic Online, The Nature Conservancy Magazine, and more.
“Year after year when the birds migrate here to winter along the Rio Grande, their calls remind me…of the past. Their whirring croaks have a primordial quality, and even in the middle of Albuquerque, it’s possible to close your eyes, listen to their calls, and imagine the past. And, just maybe, imagine the future too.”
– Laura Paskus, AT THE PRECIPICE
2020 Newsletter /
2019 Annual Report
Have you seen our latest newsletter? It’s a celebration of the trails that sustain us, plus a look at the lands we have recently protected. Check it out!
AARP says that 6 in 10 Americans don’t have a will or an estate plan, yet the coronavirus is also making people realize that anything can happen at any time. If you are working to fill this gap in your life, consider this: Does your connection to the land sustain, enrich and inspire you? Are you concerned about access to nature for your children and grandchildren? Including SFCT in your will is easy to do and will ensure that the land, trails and skies of northern New Mexico will be protected for future generations. More info is in this planned giving guide.
New Charitable Giving Tax Deduction
One very positive outgrowth of the current situation is that the long quest for a “universal” charitable contribution deduction has finally been fulfilled. Historically, a charitable contribution tax deduction has been available only to taxpayers who were willing to itemize their taxes. The CARES Act, however, changes that. Moving forward, even those of you who opt for the standard deduction in lieu of itemizing will be able to claim a charitable contribution deduction, up to $300. More information can be found here.
You too can play a role in leaving a legacy!