De-Berming near Junction 16, June 12

Yucca fruit, June 12

Grade reversal on a fall-line trail north of Junction 17, June 12

Scoping Dale Ball Trails South, June 18

Dirt Bag Stand-Off, June 19

Grade reversal built to last on the way up to Junction 39, June 19

Another one built to last on the same section w. of Junction 39, June 26

Applying moisture to help the dirt set, June 26

Berm, North of Junction 39

De-Berm, July 3

Double De-berm, North of Junction 38, July 10

Cerro Gordo Trailhead, July 17

Deberming above a new grade reversal above Junction 29, July 17

Dale Ball South De-Berm, July 24

Grade reversal to contain a cross flow, and some nice shade from the ponderosas, July 24

One of several long be-berms below Junction 30, Aug. 7

A big crew including six new recruits (four from Outside Magazine!), at the end of the City trail, Junction 30, Aug. 7

Aug. 14 work day below Dorothy Stewart Trail brought five more new trail workers thanks to Outside Magazine plus an old hand from Santa Fe Fat Tire Society

Another big crew thanks again to reinforcements from Outside Magazine, Aug. 21

Another long de-berm in Dale Ball Trails, South Section, below the Dorothy Stewart Trail, Aug. 21

Taking a break, Aug. 21

Good, dirty, fun: A new “grade reversal” with de-berming on a particularly bad section in Dale Ball Trails, South, Aug. 21

Gathering rocks to deal with a problem gully below La Piedra Junction, Aug. 28

Rocks inset and buried in dirt, grade reversal complete, Aug. 28