Apr 4, 2019 | Conserving Land
Santa Fe Cholla (Cylindropuntia viridiflora) A very rare cactus found only in the wild in three areas between Santa Fe and Chimayo will have a new home thanks to Daniela Roth, NM’s endangered plant program coordinator, the Santa Fe Institute, and the Santa Fe...
Dec 18, 2018 | Conserving Land, Press Releases
Santa Fe Conservation Trust and the Commonweal Conservancy have completed the permanent conservation of 315 acres of significant natural lands in the Galisteo Basin, furthering the protection of one of the largest undeveloped areas south of Santa Fe. Considered among...
Apr 10, 2018 | Conserving Land
Thanks to our friends at Land Rover Santa Fe for this lovely infographic!
Apr 6, 2018 | Conserving Land, Press Releases
Article by Melissa Houser, SFCT Land Program Manager While the Commonweal Conservancy works to resolve its financial challenges at the Galisteo Basin Preserve, we wanted you to know about our partnership with them. Commonweal has donated 18 conservation easements to...
Apr 6, 2018 | Conserving Land
My piñon trees have piñon needle scale. Do yours? The spots are a protective covering over the scale insects. This covering protects them from the weather and many insecticides. The insects feed by drinking the sap from the needles. This insect does not kill the tree...
Dec 5, 2017 | Conserving Land, Press Releases
Mayor Javier Gonzales’s last award ceremony took place on November 9th at La Fonda, where he gave out his Sustainability Awards. The Santa Fe Conservation Trust won first place in the Environmental Resilience category. With more than 36,000 acres under protection in...
Dec 20, 2016 | Conserving Land
In December 2016, a very generous donor gave us 2.4 acres of land along the Santa Fe River. In effect, this generous gift to the SFCT was a huge gift to the community, as we will remove all the development rights from this property to preserve it as open space...