The Santa Fe Safe Routes to School Program has worked with teachers, families, students, and other partners to identify opportunities to improve walking and bicycling routes to the following focus schools:
- Amy Biehl CS
- Aspen CS
- Cesar Chavez ES
- Chaparral ES
- El Camino Real Academy
- Kearny ES
- Milagro MS
- Nina Otero CS
- Ortiz MS
- Pinon ES
- Ramirez-Thomas ES
- Salazar ES
- Sweeney ES
A table of issues identified by the SFSRTS program and recommendations for infrastructure improvements at these and other schools can be found here: Engineering Recommendations for SRTS Focus Schools. The SFSRTS program will continue to work with the City, the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Santa Fe Public Schools to program proposed improvements.
Public Meeting on ECRA – Cottonwood Connector, Feb. 16, 2023, 6 pm:
Spanish CoSF Meeting Notice Letter w map
Work in the area of “Route Assessment and Recommendations” is intended to address the E’s for “Engineering” as well as “Enforcement.” In many cases, infrastructure improvements will be key to making walking and bicycling more attractive and safe for Santa Fe’s children and families. Desirable improvements can be identified through review of past planning processes as well as inclusive assessment of walking and bicycling conditions on and around school campuses and elsewhere in the neighborhoods that they serve.
Typical engineering improvements that can be pursued to improve walking and bicycling routes to school include:
- Sidewalks
- Crosswalks
- Trails
- Signage, flashing lights
- Pavement markings
- Traffic calming, including bump-outs and median refuges for crosswalks
- Bike lanes or striped shoulders