I decided to update my photo this week.  I am confronting my discomfort with wearing a face mask!  It made me furious the first time I put one on, and I also noticed how self-conscious I felt.  But going into a pandemic angry isn’t really the best prescription for a successful outcome.  So I told myself: Get over it!  Just be with what is.  Now, a few weeks into it, my glasses get foggy, sure, but I don’t mind it so much and I am glad to wear a mask to protect others and hopefully lessen the strain on our healthcare workers.  The thought that maybe I am one of the asymptomatic people who could infect others really helps me put it on.

Outside is a little hard, though.  Do I have to?  Yes!  Because sometimes people don’t give you six feet on the trails.  I might pull the mask down if no one is around, but if someone comes near me, I get the hell off the trail for social distancing and put the mask on.  I don’t want to cause anyone pain, suffering and maybe their life or the life of a loved one.  Are you wearing your mask and stepping aside for social distancing when you are outside?  Let us know.   It is just what we have to do right now.

Take good care!


Sarah Noss
Executive Director


It was so good to hear from you and to know how you are doing out there.  And it is wonderful to know that the open spaces SFCT preserves and the trails we have worked to create and maintain are offering you solace right now.  Your responses were honest and very uplifting.Some comments:

Visiting our trails and enjoying the outdoors is one of the few things we can do outside the home right now. Makes you feel like you still have some level of control in your life. And seeing spring birds and emerging wildflowers and plants is a real source of enjoyment.

Hiking in the mountains or walking on the Dale Ball keeps me centered and is nourishment for my body, mind, spirit and soul.

We’re asking a lot of each other right now to ensure the greater good of our community. But we all need things to stay connected to, to find inspiration in, to remind us of our place in the grander scheme of things – nature does that. Being able to take a walk or a hike, and see the land that has existed for so long before us and will exist for so long after we are gone is an important reminder of the endurance and resilience of our world.

Keep talking to us! We all benefit from your perspective.  We’ll give you more insights in the coming weeks.  Take the survey here:

Celebrate Bike Month with the self-guided
“South Side Arroyo and River Cruise”

Once again, our community cruises need to be virtually presented and self-guided.  The Southside Arroyo and River Cruise was going to kick off Bike Week with dozens of riders, but why not enjoy it anytime on your own?  Get the map and read all about this seven mile cruise at https://sfct.org/event/self-guided-arroyo-and-river-cruise/?instance_id=401


Your Banff moment for today is another tear jerker.  Skijoring is a sport that combines fast horses with daredevil skiing through a slalom course in small towns throughout the western United States. Follow Ebbie Hansen, a Montana cowgirl, as she chases her third National Championship.


Hold on to your tickets from March.  We’ve reserved the Lensic for September 16 and 17 in the hopes that we can show the Banff Mountain Film Festival then.  Stay tuned!

Thanks to our Banff sponsors!

SFCT depends on the generosity of the community to fund our work.  SFCT partners with our community to keep northern New Mexico’s living lands and people flourishing together.  We protect environmentally significant landscapes, ignite people’s passion for nature and enable the continual regeneration of our healthy place.  If you believe in our mission, please make a donation today!