Completing Dale Ball Wayfinding Signage, Nov. – Dec.

Completing Dale Ball Wayfinding Signage, Nov. – Dec.

Four work days in November and one more in December were dedicated to finishing off the supplemental arrow signs that inform City trail users which junction lies ahead.  Thanks go to the City Parks Dept. as well as the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe for supporting the...
Tour de Mural, Oct. 8, 2016

Tour de Mural, Oct. 8, 2016

About forty cyclists joined the Trails Program Manager for the Tour de Mural, a bicycle tour of wall art in Santa Fe, on Sat., Oct. 8, 2016.  Starting with the “Photo Fence” in the Railyard Park and finishing at the State Archives Building on Guadalupe...
Posting Dale Ball Signage, September – October 2016

Posting Dale Ball Signage, September – October 2016

Numerous work days in September and October were dedicated to installing the long-awaited, new junction signs on Dale Ball Trails, as well as updating and adding to the supplemental arrow signs that help ensure users can find their way through the trails.  ...
Dale Ball Trails South Work Day, Aug. 31

Dale Ball Trails South Work Day, Aug. 31

The City Trail Volunteer Coordinator met with six volunteers at Cerro Gorod Trailhead Parking lot on the morning of Aug. 31 to head south from Upper Canyon Rd. between Junctions 29 and 30.  This stretch of trail toward Picacho Peak is a City trail easement on land...
La Tierra Trails Work Days, July 12, 19, and 26

La Tierra Trails Work Days, July 12, 19, and 26

On July 12, eleven volunteers converged on the northwest corner of La Tierra Trails to start work on a long-discussed reroute of a braided section of trail north of Junction 5.  The group included two brand new recruits as well as a third new recruit who stopped...