All Trails Posts

Community Bicycle Ride: Funky Trails and Shortcuts

Community Bicycle Ride: Funky Trails and Shortcuts

As part of the inaugural Santa Fe Mountain Fest (the heir to the New Mexico Bike and Brew festival), on Saturday, Sept. 14, SFCT's Trails Program Manager took a group of eighteen cyclists around town looking for the "sweet spots" that make urban riding in Santa Fe...

New Mexico Railroad History Celebration

New Mexico Railroad History Celebration

The Second Annual New Mexico Railroad History Celebration was held at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, in the Railyard District, Aug. 30-Sept. 2.  Santa Fe Conservation Trust's Trails Program Manager was one of the event co-organizers along with Jim and Elizabeth...

Field Trips to Local Trails in May 2019

Field Trips to Local Trails in May 2019

Thanks to the support of Partners in Education, the Frost Foundation, the Lineberry Foundation, and the City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe Conservation Trust continued the Passport to Trails Program in May, taking eight classes of Fourth and Fifth Graders from El Camino Real...

Bike Week, May 11-19, 2019

Bike Week, May 11-19, 2019

Both the Governor of New Mexico and the Mayor of Santa Fe have officially proclaimed May 11-19, 2019, as Bike Week! Pdf version of mayor's proclamation: Santa Fe NM Bike Week Mayors Proclamation May 2019 Thanks to BTI for organizing this year's "Bike Week" calendar of...