E-News – Birds, Biodiversity & Big Ideas

E-News – Birds, Biodiversity & Big Ideas

These are such disturbing times, made even worse lately by the news that there is a huge die-off of birds happening throughout New Mexico and portions of Colorado.  Scientists aren’t sure at this point what’s causing it, except to say that the birds they...
Our Virtual Event is Tomorrow, August 27th!

Our Virtual Event is Tomorrow, August 27th!

Our virtual Community Conservation Celebration is tomorrow evening, August 27, starting at 7 pm! Get your $5 Access Pass NOW at https://sfct.org/events/ccc-udall/ to participate, and we’ll send you a link to the event. After you get your access pass, please...
Our Virtual Event is Tomorrow, August 27th!

Join us for Virtual Outing on August 27th!

Our virtual event is just days away – on Thursday, August 27th.  At 7 pm we start with some wonderful warm up acts.  Then the event itself starts at 7:30 and over in less than an hour – badaboom!  All it takes to participate is a $5 access pass, which you...
SFCT E-Newsletter 06-12-2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 06-12-2020

New 370-acre conservation easement on Glorieta Mesa (see article below). It has been an eventful two weeks on so many levels nationally, but also here at SFCT. Organizationally, I want to tell you what we’ve been dealing with lately.  Like other nonprofits, we...
SFCT E-Newsletter 05-21-2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 05-21-2020

We are heading into Memorial Day weekend, which celebrates the men and women who died while serving our country.  This weekend, let’s also remember the over 96,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19, which feels like the fight of our lives right now.  I have never...
SFCT E-Newsletter 05/15/2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 05/15/2020

This was a tough week with the cancellations of the Santa Fe Opera, the Chamber Music Festival and the Bandstand—this, after all the major summer markets had already announced closures.  It really hit home this week that the City is going to be hammered financially,...
SFCT E-Newsletter 05/08/2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 05/08/2020

I decided to update my photo this week.  I am confronting my discomfort with wearing a face mask!  It made me furious the first time I put one on, and I also noticed how self-conscious I felt.  But going into a pandemic angry isn’t really the best prescription for a...
SFCT E-Newsletter 05/08/2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 05/01/2020

I think you are going to like the Banff film we chose for today’s email: The River’s Call.  It resonated with me when the narrator said that kayaking is “the art of being yourself in a crappy situation.”  We are pretty blessed because we don’t really have to...
SFCT E-Newsletter 04/24/2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 04/24/2020

This week was my mom’s birthday, so it was bittersweet to celebrate without touching, while wearing masks to drop off cards and presents and then congregating as a family on the computer screen!  It made it easier knowing that every family and every person is going...
SFCT E-Newsletter 4/17/2020

SFCT E-Newsletter 4/17/2020

Santa Fe continues to flatten the curve.  Good work everyone!  We’ve got to keep social distancing and stay at home for a while because the numbers continue to climb throughout our beloved New Mexico.  I am not sure about you, but I started feeling a bit down in...