Hike with City Summer Campers to Atalaya Mtn., July 11

Hike with City Summer Campers to Atalaya Mtn., July 11

A group of thirteen city summer campers, two counselors, one parent, and the SFCT Trails Program Manager scaled Atalaya Mountain on July 11, the first elementary-school age field trip to “bag” the peak.  There were few complaints as we made our way up,...
Dale Ball South Work Days, June 21 and 28, 2016

Dale Ball South Work Days, June 21 and 28, 2016

Work on the South Section of Dale Ball Trails took place as a transition from working on the Dale Ball Connector Trail on the other side of Cerro Gordo Trailhead. Over the course of several work days we added some directional signage, dispersed a fallen tree, blocked...
Hikes with City Summer Campers, June 20 and 23

Hikes with City Summer Campers, June 20 and 23

Dale Ball Trails Central & Santa Fe Canyon Preserve, June 20 Twelve City Summer Campers and two staff members joined the Trails Program Manager at Cerro Gordo Trailhead on June 20 for a trip up into Dale Ball Trails – Central and around through the Santa Fe...
National Trails Day Celebrations, June 3-4

National Trails Day Celebrations, June 3-4

Celebrations of National Trails Day started on Friday, June 3, at St. John’s Trailhead, where we joined County Volunteer Coordinator Carol Branch to unveil a new trailhead map sign created through collaboration of the city and county. Matthew Johnston of St....
Hike with City Summer Campers, June 9

Hike with City Summer Campers, June 9

City Summer Camp hikes started on the afternoon of June 9 with a group of nine campers and two counselors from the Genoveva Chavez Community Center.  We were joined at Cerro Gordo Trailhead by Bob Findling of The Nature Conservancy, who provided an orientation to the...
Camino de las Animas Footbridge

Camino de las Animas Footbridge

After a few scoping and preparation visits with members of the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society, the Trails Program Manager worked with ten volunteers to put in a new footbridge at the east end of Camino de las Animas. SFFTS President Brent Bonwell and Henry Lanman...
CommUnity Cruise, May 14, 2016

CommUnity Cruise, May 14, 2016

Roughly 22 people on bikes joined this year’s “CommUnity Cruise,” a group ride from Second Street Brewery to the plaza, where the City was holding its “CommUnity Day” event. The ride was billed as a “kick-off event” for...
Magical History Cruise

Magical History Cruise

The Magical History Cruise was a bike ride through time and space organized by SFCT through the Outside / Bike and Brew event.  Twenty riders participated in the ride on the morning of May 21, including visitors from Albuquerque and Durango, but primarily consisting...