The GUSTO Open House and Trail Sampler was held at the Railyard Park Community Room on March 29-30, 2019.  Maps on display at the event included:

After the open house on Saturday morning, groups of cyclists, hikers and equestrians went out to sample some of the trails north of town, including new GUSTO connections to La Tierra Trails from Ridgetop Rd. via the Arbolitos Trail, and on the “Dog Park Connector” between the Relief Route and Frank Ortiz Park.

GUSTO Trail Sampler by Horse: La Tierra Trails

GUSTO Trail Sampler by Bike

Little-known Trail: Cañada Rincon

Cañada Rincon: End of pavement

Arbolitos Trail

Arrival to La Tierra Trails

Junction 11: The bellybutton

Dog Park Connector

View of ride by Yates Coulter